Imperial Fence Height Gauge V2 for Festool Domino XL

The Seneca Woodworking Imperial Fence Height Gauge Version 2 (V2) for the Domino XL / DF 700 allows you to quickly and effortlessly adjust the Domino fence offset to a variety of imperial dimensions without the need for a separate rule or other measuring device. The gauge installs in less than a minute using a Torx T10 bit (not included), and is a direct replacement for the metric thickness gauge included with your Domino XL DF 700.
When we originally designed version 1 (V1) of these gauges back in 2014, we prototyped them using a consumer grade 3d printer. Unfortunately because of the complexity of these parts, consumer grade 3d printers weren't able to produce them with the level of precision we needed for producing usable parts, so we had to turn to CNC machining to actually bring V1 of our Height Gauges to market.
We recently gained a lot of experience in 3D printing technology, 3D printing face shields during the Covid-19 crisis (you can read about it here on our BLOG). Recent advances in commercial grade 3d printing technology now allow us to 3d print these gauges with the precision we could only previously get from CNC machining. These 3D printed V2 gauges are durable and functionally the same as our V1 gauges, but 3d printing has allowed us to bring our V2 gauges to market at a lower price.
The metric fence height gauge included with the DF700 only allows for 5 positions of offset, so we've created three versions of the Fence Height Gauge available with different offsets:
Model 1 (part number: D7IG01) fence Indexes of 5/8”, 3/4“, 7/8”, 1”, 1-1/8"
Model 2 (part number: D7IG02) fence Indexes of 1”, 1-1/8”, 1-1/4”, 1-3/8”, 1-1/2”
Model 3 (part number: D7IG03) fence Indexes of 5/8”, 3/4”, 1”, 1-1/4”, 1-1/2”
"Height" vs "thickness" gauge?
It's important to note the difference between the terms "height gauge" and "thickness gauge" as used in our product names. From the factory, the DF700 includes a "height gauge" where the dimension indicated on the gauge is the actual distance from fence to cutter centerline. However from the factory, the DF500 includes a "thickness gauge" where the dimension indicated on the gauge is meant to indicate the nominal thickness of material that the mortise is being centered on; so the distance from fence to cutter centerline is approximately 1/2 the dimension indicated on the gauge. Currently we offer replacement imperial "height" gauges for the DF700, and "thickness" gauges for the DF500.
The Dimensions indicated on our Imperial Fence Height Gauge for the Domino XL, indicate the distance between the fence and cutter centerline.