Alfano Construction
Happy Seneca Saturday!
This week we're taking a look at @alfanoconstruction on Instagram!
Zach used our Dock Plate XL for his Domino XL DF700 to make mortising these smaller parts easier for a recent project he was working on. Paired with the Domino Dock from @ramomartful, his process for mortising small pieces couldn't be simpler!
Take a look at the finished project, a beautiful set of white oak bookshelves!
Check out his feed and see what he's been building lately! He has lots of posts showing his in-progress projects, the tools and accessories he uses to make the job easier, and...
Nashville Timber
Happy Seneca Saturday!
This week we're taking a look at @nashvilletimber on Instagram!
He used our Domiplate for his Domino DF500 to help make the mortising process quick and easy for a set of built-in bookshelves he was working on. The Domiplate made it possible for him to make centered mortises every time without needing to measure in between.
Check out the process and finished project on his feed and see all the hard work that went into these beautiful shelves! He shows lots of the work he put into building these and shared some tips along the way that might even help you out with a future...
House of Lund
Happy Seneca Saturday!
This week we're taking a look at @house.of.lund on Instagram!
Garret used our Parallel Guide System for his track saw to help make sure he could make quick, easy, and repeated rip cuts for a cabinet project he was working on.
Check out his page and see what he's been up to lately! There are lots of videos showing his in-progress work, the tools he uses, and posts showing the finished projects that he and his wife do. There are so many unique ideas that are sure to give you some inspiration for your next project!
Using our tools? Want to share a project? Tag us! We want to see what you're up...